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Platforma Edukacyjna - gotowe opracowania lekcji oraz testów.


1. Cele lekcji: rozwijanie umiejętności prawidłowego komunikowania się.
2. Metody:
 praca z tekstem
 praca indywidualna
 praca w grupach
3. Środki pomocnicze:
 kartki
 tablica
 magnetofon

I. Ćwiczenia fonetyczne

Practising the prononsiation.
"A fat cat sat on my hat in the tram. That is a bad cat."

Children repeat it after the teacher.
Ask one student to put down the transcription and underline all the letters "a".

II. Rozmowa kierowana o zwierzętach

1. Do you like monkeys?
2. Are they clever animals?

III. Podanie nowych słów. (Pre-listening stage)

a) hatmaker - producent, wytwórca czapek
b) barrow - wózek handlarza
c) empty - pusty, opustoszały
d) naughty - niegrzeczny, nieposłuszny
e) fist - pięść

IV. Słuchanie tekstu. (While-listening stage)

a) The learners listen to the text with the help of the tape recorder or the teacher reads it

"The Hatmaker and the Monkeys"

Once upon the time there was a man who made hats. He was a hatmaker. He had enough hats to sell. One day he put the hats into his barrow and went along the road to the market. It was a long way and the hatmaker was tired and hot. He came to a tree and sat down. Soon he fell asleep. There were monkeys up in the tree. The hatmaker did not know this. The monkeys looked down. They saw the hats. Then they came and took them. Each monkey put a hat on and each monkey went up the tree again.
Then the man woke up. His barrow was empty. There were no hats in it. "Where are my hats?" he said. He looked left. He looked right. He looked round about. Then he looked up. He saw monkeys with his hats on. "Oh dear!" he said. "Those naughty monkeys have stolen my hats." He shook his fist at them. The monkeys shook their fists too. The hatmaker had an idea. He took off his hat and he threw it on the ground. The monkeys took off their hats too and threw them on the ground. They copied the man again. The hatmaker put his hats back in his barrow. Then he went to the market to sell them.

3. Post listening stage

a) Copy and shuffle the parts of the story. Give each student the set of cut-up cards.
b) Explain that they have to sort out the cards so that they make one story. If they need extra- help you can say that there are 15 parts in the story.
c) Set a definite time limit and check orally. One student can start with the first part of the story, then another student. And so on.

IV. Zabawa

"Who is the best zoologist?"
The game is based on the fact that you read the description of an animal and the pupils have to guess what is it.
The first person to answer gets a point. The winner is the person who gets more points. Here are the examples of the animal's description:

a) A large reptile with a long mouth and many sharp teeth that leaves in lakes and rivers in hot countries. (Crocodile)
b) A red wild animal with a long bushy tail. The female is called vixen and the male.(Fox)
c) An animal used for riding or pulling carts and carriagies. (Horse)
d) An Australian animal like a small grey bear with no tail that climbs trees and eats leaves. (Koala)
e) A black and white animal like a small bear. (Panda)
f) An Australian animal with strong back legs. It carries its young in a pouch on its body. (Kangaroo)
g) A large African bird with long legs, that runs very quickly but cannot fly. (Ostrich)
h) A fierce wild animal like a very large cat. It lives in Asia and has striped fur. (Tiger)
i) An African animal often like a horse with stripes. (Zebra)
j) A small, furry animal often kept as a pet in houses. It has long whiskers. (Cat)
k) A very large reptile which lived a very long time ago. (Dinosaur)
l) A big animal with tusks and a long nose called a trunk. (Elephant)
m) An animal with a long thin body and no legs, that often has a poisonous bite. (Snake)
n) An animal like a large rabbit which can run very fast. (Hare)
o) A small grey animal with sharp teeth and a long tail. (Mouse)
p) A large wild animal of the cat family, found in hot countries and we often say as brave as a. (Lion)
q) A quick-running, grass-eating animal with four long legs. The male has long horns or antlers which look like branches. (Deer)
r) A tall African animal with a very long neck and legs and dark spots on its yellow-brown fur. (Giraffe)
s) A small, furry animal with a long tail. It uses its hands to climb trees. (Monkey)
t) A desert animal like a horse, with either one or two humps. (Camel)

To motivate the students to participate in the activity you may propose such a scale:

Spider Frog Rabbit Fox Kangaroo Gorilla


Each time an individual wins her/his name is moved along a scale. In this example, the aim is to become the gorilla.

I. Dowcipy i żarty

Just for entertaiment tell your students some jokes.

- I have got a new dog. Would you like to come and play with him?
- Does it bite?
- That's what I want to find out.

- Why did you put a frog in your sister's bed, Tom?
- I couldn't find a spider.

II. Podsumowanie

Setting home task..
Propose your students to describe some domestic animals.

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